Benjamin Osagie
5 min readDec 10, 2020



A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to tag along with a colleague for a business event with his vehicle. The event is to commence at 12noon prompt and on our way, the vehicle suddenly stopped in an unfamiliar area and we could not get anyone to repair the vehicle after waiting for more than an hour, we had left the vehicle and book a cab to get to our destination as we are extremely late for the event.

Understanding the Objective

A vehicle is bound to get faulty without showing signs. Someone can be going for business events or corporate gatherings and lo, the vehicle will develop a fault, and accessing a mechanic for the repair can be difficult to acquire on the spot.

Having a web-based platform for a mechanic listing service will ease the stress of the user and can be able to access a mechanic within their location whenever a vehicle breakdown or develop a fault in an unfamiliar area.

Target Audience

Individuals with faulty vehicles which ranges from cars, buses, trucks, etc

Research techniques

My research methodology kick-started by creating a survey with the use of a google form to inquire about the user's experience and their expectations. Few questions were enlisted on the form in order for users to share their experience which leads to a total of 38 responses accumulated from the users.

Here below are the responses acquired from users.

Deductions from the Survey

  • Users have experienced the vehicle develop a fault or break down in an unfamiliar location
  • Accessing a mechanic when the vehicle breaks down or develops a fault in an unfamiliar location was a challenge for users.
  • Some of the users have their personal mechanic but having the mechanic come around in an unfamiliar location was a challenge due to distance constraints.
  • Users would like to have a platform to easily access mechanics within their location.
  • The Age Demographics of users that responded to the survey is within the 20–30years which are youths that are tech-savvy.

Competitors Analysis

This is to identify major competitors (direct and indirect) and research their services and marketing strategies. By doing this, you can create solid business strategies that improve upon your competitors.

User personas

The creation of personas was used to understand the user's pain points and needs.

User persona 1
User persona 2

User flows

This is an illustration of how the user will be able to navigate through the platform.


This is mainly to lay out content and functionality on a page which takes into account user needs and user journey and this is used in the development process to establish the basic structure of a page before visual design and content are added.

Homepage screen
Get a quote screen
Mechanic listing page screen
Mechanic profile page
Tips and advice screen
Sign up screen
login screen
Mechanic portal screen

Mood board

This is a type of visual presentation or ‘collage’ consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition.

Design Style Guide

This is a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors, and interface elements that communicate the evolution of a visual brand for the web

High-fidelity designs

This captures the look and feels of the product in the advanced stages of the design process and this is where the deliverables are enhanced.

Get a Quote
Mechanic listing page
Mechanic profile page
Tips and advice
Sign up page
login page
Mechanic portal

Mobile responsive design

This is the ability of a website or application to respond to a user’s screen size, platform, device orientation, and behavior


This is highly-functional and interactive which is quite close to the final product, with lots of functionality and details included. This is often used in the later usability evaluation to discover the potential issues that may exist in the workflow, interactivity, and so on.


This is the project duly completed and I will be glad to hear your feedback and comment on it.


