Benjamin Osagie
1 min readJul 21, 2020


My Design Journey

The Journey of a thousand-mile starts with a step and each step has hurdles and processes to attain or to reach your goal.

Design is not just all about aesthetics but about Solving a problem.

Designs are aimed at solving real-life problems in the various sectors of Industry where critical thinking and other soft skills are put in place to become exceptional in an organization or a nation.

Earlier this year, I was having conflicting issues on the career path especially on “What” or “How” to choose but I had to seek advice from some associate and colleagues which propelled me on deciding on taking Product design which has been a continuous process thus far.

We Japa Internship is a platform for me to continually learn more and hone my skills in product design and also taking a career path on becoming an Exceptional Product designer.

